

Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona, S.A., with CIF (Tax ID number) A17031246 and registered address at Sant Francesc 29, 3, Girona (17001), is the owner of this website and the costabrava.org domain. Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona, S.A. is registered in the Commercial Registry of Girona, page 193, volume 908, entry GI-6155.

Data Protection

Patronat de Turisme Costa Brava Girona (Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board) considers that, by filling out the forms included on the website, the user is informed of the purpose of the collection of personal data and its subsequent processing. Unless expressly stated otherwise, this data will be included in files owned by the Board in order to be processed for the purposes indicated in each case. Interested parties may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation by contacting the Board through any means. Learn more about criteria and measures concerning data processing by contacting the Board at the aforementioned address.

Intellectual Property

The Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board’s Image Archive is available for public use under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Images must be reproduced in their entirety. They cannot be modified.
  2. The references that identify each image must be visible: location, photo title and its Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board’s Image Archive reference number.
  3. Images may not be sold nor included in publications intended for sale or in services that require subscription or payment to access.
  4. Terms and conditions or technical limitations other than those established herein may not be imposed when sharing the images.
  5. Obtaining these images from the Costa Brava Girona Tourist Board does not imply its support for those who use them. No statements in this regard may be made, except with prior written permission from the Board.
  6. Any use of the images different from that authorised in these terms and conditions requires prior written consent from the Board. The Board owns the rights to this website and the database consisting of the images in the archive and their related information.